Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day seven: March 25, 2015


9 hours and 55 minutes

       Today, James wasn't there. Mrs. Clark told me that today was early release so she wasn't expecting the school to have good attendance and she was definitely right. She only had about 4 studetns in her class. Of the students that she did have in her class, all of them were working diligently and independently so they didn't need tutors so she sent me across the hall to Mrs. Rook's class. Mrs. Rook's class is a math class so I always get nervous when I have to go in there. Math has always been something that I struggle with. In Mrs. Rook's class, there was  a substitute teacher, Mr. Cherry. The students had never had him as a sub but they were definitely taking advantage of having a sub. Many of them were saying that they didn't have any assignments today or that they had already finished everything which is very far fetched considering most of their assignments are given in bulk so they can work as they go but the substitute didn't know this so he let them do as they pleased for the short class period.
      I was tutoring Amanda. She was working on a quiz online about circles and how to measure tangent lines to find the angel. She was pretty confused on how to do it and told me that she did not know the formulas in order to find the measurements. I asked her if she had watched the mini lesson before the quiz because the formulas would probably be on there and she said no and that she didn't want to. Eventually, I convinced her to watch the videos so she could improve her grade. She had already taken the quiz twice and failed it both times. In order to get the final grade, the three grades were averaged. So if she did well on the last one, it would at least bring up her final quiz grade a little bit more. After watching the videos, we knew the formulas so it was much easier to do the problems. Since it was just basic formulas, it was easy for me to help her. She was much more talkative than James is and seemed to enjoy having someone help walk her through the problems.She was actually trying really hard and spending a good amount of time on each problem. I don't if that's because I was sitting behind her watching her or if she always tried this hard but I'm glad that she was taking her time to write the problems down on paper and work them out. Out of all the students in the classroom, she was the only one that was really on task and we ended up finishing her quiz and she made an 80 which definitely helped pull up her quiz average.
      Having a tutor really made a difference for Amanda and it really kept her on task which made me very happy considering most students were having a very difficult time staying on task. She ended up staying with me for the second period of early release because she was behind in Math and they saw that she was responding well to the tutoring. Overall, today was a very good tutoring session and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with Amanda and help her out with her Math quiz and practice probelms.

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