Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day six: March 19, 2015


8 hours and 30 minutes

       Today, I got to tutor James. Whenever I ask him why he wasn't in class the week before, he mumbles and brushes me off. Its been very hard to form a bond with him because he seems to have no interest in me or the help that I am attempting to give him. He did arrive late today but we still ended up having a good amount of time for tutoring. Mrs. Clark talked to James and at first he said he did not want a tutor but Mrs. Clark always has a way of convincing him because he really does need the one on one time. Mrs. Clark has us go to the media center to have one on one time so we wouldn't have any distractions from being in the classroom.
       James had an online quiz today. He was being more difficult than normal today. His online quiz was around 40-50 questions over the reading that the students have done in class. This was something that was hard for me to help him with since I had not read the book that the questions were over. When I asked him if the class had read the book;he told me no, which I found odd because its doubtful that a teacher would include questions on a quiz that they hadn't read. After pressing the issue, he told me that yes the class had read it but he didn't read and wasn't paying attention when they were going over it is class. We did the questions that supplied excerpts that we could read for the certain questions and he answered those to the best of his ability. The rest he decided to guess on, which I advised against but he did not agree with me  because the quiz was due at the end of the class period. 
       James ended up getting a 74% on the quiz which he was not happy about but I tried to explain to him the importance of reading the assigned reading because he would most likely be quizzed on it later. He mostly took that to heart and was realizing how his decisions to be lazy were directly affecting his grade. Overall, the tutoring session went well between he and I. He was asking for help more and for clarification when I was explaining a question or answer to him. I wish he could have gotten a better grade on the quiz but I believe he learned a valuable lesson seeing how much the quiz grade affected his overall grade.

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