Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day two: January 22, 2015

Time: 9:15-10:40 first period 

2 hours and 25 minutes

    Today, I only tutored James. We got a little bit of a late start due to his being tardy and me not being able to find anyone to unlock the room we were to be working in. Mrs. Clark told me that he has been doing better about coming to school everyday but still is usually a bit tardy but he is making progress.
    Today, we worked on some online quizzes on sentence structure. We got significantly more done than we did last time. We worked on two of the quizzes with 50 questions on each one. He was much more willing to do this rather than read like the assignment was last week. The questions consisted of making sentences parallel and subject verb agreement. James seemed to understand this easily and only needed some help and introductory explanation on how to make parallel sentences and what made subjects and verbs agree but he got it only after a few questions. He was better about asking for help this time if he didn't understand the question. I learned that if I read the sentences to him out loud, he can hear what makes the sentence sound right rather than just reading to himself and he began reading them out loud on his own eventually.
   The next assignment was how to properly use colons. We were running out of time when we got to this assignment but we went over the first ten questions pretty quickly and he understood the basis of how to use colons correctly and said he would finish the assignment at home once we ran out of time. 
    Overall, today was much better than the last tutoring session. He seemed to understand the material much better and I think he was more comfortable since it was just me and him,one on one, versus having another student in there with us. It made me feel like I was a better tutor because the session went by much smoother which made me not frustrated like I was last time. The type of exercise we were working on today is something that I personally thrive in so with James doing well in it too it made the tutoring session easy and effortless because we both were working together to get the assignment completed. I would say that my expectations going into the classroom were very low because I expected today to be as difficult as last time but I was pleasantly surprised because there was a vast difference in James. I think that maybe last time he was having a bad day or was just very tired so he wasn't nearly as motivated last time but today he was ready to go and reviewed a good amount. I'm very happy with today's session and am glad that James is trying harder to do his work in a timely manner. Hopefully next week will be just as promising.

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